I greatly enjoyed my time working as a graduate student instructor at USC. Here is a list of courses taught:
FALL 2019 - Calculus II - TA
SPRING 2020 - Calculus I - TA
FALL 2020 - Business Calculus (3 credit hours)- Instructor of record
SPRING 2021 - Precalculus (4 credit hours) - Instructor of record
SUMMER 2021 - Business Calculus - Instructor of record
FALL 2021 - Calculus I - TA
SPRING 2022 - Business Calculus - Instructor of record
SUMMER 2022 - Summer School on Mathematical Foundation of Data Science - GA
FALL 2022 - Precalculus - Instructor of record
SPRING 2023 - Business Calculus - Instructor of record
F23/S24 - Research Assistant
I am PFF certified.
Successful PFF candidates have completed activities designed to prepare participants in the critical areas of faculty competence: teaching, research and service. This accomplishment is an indicator of the participant's initiative and a measure of experience toward becoming future faculty.
You can see uncut examples of my teaching on my YouTube channel. Like, comment subscribe!
Graduate Mentor
I served as a mentor for novice graduate student instructors, under the tutelage of Dr. Sean Yee. Here you can see a group photo with other mentors.
I worked with the talented students recruited for the PMECS program, an initiative which provides gifted minority students academic enrichment in the career areas of engineering and computer science. Last year I organized their pre-calculus workshop, including demonstrations, a programming bootcamp, and a puzzle competition.
Curriculum Development
In fall of 2020, I enrolled in a teaching overload to provide first year calculus instructors with standardized lesson plans, problem sets, and other materials